An interview with Dr Sunita Gandhi, Founder of GETI AND GCPL on How Covid-19 has impacted the education system in India


New Delhi, September 12, 2020: Working from home, online teaching, virtual classes, E-learning, webinars, etc. have become new mediums of learning during the lockdown. Amid the pandemic, school heads, teachers are getting used to the new normal of online classes. With opportunities comes challenges and to tackle the roadblocks, GETI is providing a platform for schools and individual teachers to lead a transformative agenda in their schools. A better performing and progressive school is increasingly viewed as a pioneer in education, and a pedagogical leader.GETI, India’s premier training institute for in-service, pre-service teachers and education leaders has launched an exemplary teacher training program. The interactive program aims to transform the teacher training program in the country through effective use of technology.

  • About Global Education & Training Institute

I am proud to call Global Education & Training Institute or GETI a premier training institute for in-service and pre-service training ofteachers. Our forum’s agenda is to make our educators leaders in progressive thinking. With our unparalleled program, we provide training whichempowers lives and helps our teachers face the professional world with innovative methodology and techniques. Our way teaching inputs, and academic solutions are effective and have helped our students, including both aspiring and seasoned teaching professionals, become the kind of experts they are today. With GETI, we emphasize on clear communication and follow-through procedures that help teachers in imparting the best education and evaluation of their students.

  • How Covid-19 has impacted the education system in India, where are we heading to now?

The pandemic may have caught both teachers and students offguard, but it has necessarily put the educational institutions under oath to offer online support to them. Many schools and colleges that had hesitated to take up online education or alter traditional classroom setup were made to do so in the light of a global pandemic. It’s also important to regard the setup of National Education Policy 2020 to this pandemic. The changes in our education system were long awaited and it is only now that we have the first education policy of the 21st century that addresses the growing necessities of India. Both online education and NEP 2020 are key to this need of the hour as our teachers and students need to get used to the structure of teaching and learning, including assessment methodologies as the new normal is here to stay.

  • How is the post covid-19 education system different from traditional education system?

Needless to say, the new ways of teaching have successfully replaced the old-school chalk-talk methods of teaching. In this time of crisis, switching to online learning management software has been the most significant step in the way towards a technologically equipped education system. This comes with new methods of teaching, assessment, examinations, and peer-to-peer network.

  • How the modern education system can equip children with the skills required for the 21st century that promote creativity, critical thinking, and innovation?

NEP 2020 is meant to transform the education system as per the needs of the 21st century. In more than 100 action points, the policy promises to establish a curricular framework for the schools that will focus on promoting creativity, critical thinking and innovation. Some of the transformational features include the likes of focusing more on vocational studies, developing high quality study modules, dedicating units for online and digital learning among several others. This and much more shall make way for transformational reforms in the education sector.

  • Importance of comprehensive training in online setting

Training the teachers in an online setting is not only to expand their knowledge base, it is also to prepare for the new normal. Our teachers are responsible for building the future of our country, we must ensure that they undergo a comprehensive training program to help them blend well with the students in an online environment. The training helps in developing their professional thinking capacity and gives them a chance to practice as well as boost their teaching capabilities. With the help of reflective practices, we engage them in new ideas and approaches of teaching. All of this helps school communities and teachers to make the education sector a transforming practice.

  • Latest trends of Indian Education industry

We are on the verge of a transformation in India’s education industry. Students are now keen on filling the noticeable gaps in their core competencies. Technology is playing a critical role in the growth of the industry. With the help of learning solutions, students and teachers are now able to connect with each other amidst a global crisis. New trends are emerging based on the needs and preferences of individuallearners, institutions and the industry. The focus has now shifted to concept-based learning and more teachers are following a do-it-yourself practice for their children to become more self-reliant. Overall, there is a heavy influence of technology on the education sector of India.

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