Articles Contribution and Essay writing competition on Sustainable Development Goals announced


The competitions are intended to bring up suggestions, innovations and recommendations for policy advocacy

Competitions are open to Medical, Para-Medical, Journalists and educationist according to their respective categories 

Attractive Cash Prizes to be won

Hyderabad, August 23, 2020: Council for Green Revolution (CGR), a nonprofit environmental organization, that has been working environmental issues and sustainable development announces various competitions in order to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

These initiatives include: Articles on Rural Primary Health; National Level Essay Competition and Articles on Holistic School Education, states the press note issued here in the city today.

CGR in association with Family Planning Association of India, Hyderabad is inviting articles on Rural Primary Health with respect to the present and future health services in rural areas. This competition is open for Medical Professionals as a separate category.

Para Medical Staff, Nurses, Journalists, Social Workers and others as another category.

The first three winners in each of the above two categories will be given away Cash Prizes of Rs 20,000/-, Rs 10,000/- and Rs 5,000/- respectively for first, second and third prizes.

The Medical professionals of specialties, above 18 years of age, can participate in the competition. Such articles may be written in English only, in 1000 to 1200 words.

Para Medical Staff, Nurses, Journalists, Social Workers and others as another category can submit their Articles either in English or Telugu

Deadline for submission is 30th September. The articles can be sent to email ID: The body of the email must mention: 01. Name of the author(s); Contact Number; Profession; Title of the Article and an undertaking that the Article is original, unpublished before. For more details speak to 8587992689/ 967695700.

The National Level Essay Competition is organised in association with Law Centre-1 Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. The broad theme for the Essay is “Environment Protection in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Strengthening the Environmental Laws and Avoiding Dilution”.

The Sub-themes for the essay include:

  • Covid-19: Awakeup call for the world to put a check on Environmental hazard
  • Revisiting environmental law and policy in the CovidEra
  • Turning Covid-19 crisis into an environmental and economic opportunity
  • Covid19: An opportunity to develop or dilute environmental standards?
  • Implementing Sustainable Development Goals: Legal and Policy perspectives

The author may need to choose one or more sub-themes along with the main theme for their essay. The best three essays will be awarded Rs 30,000/-,Rs 20,000/- and Rs 10,000/- cash prizes respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. The competition is open to all law students, LLB and LLM in India. The essays be in between 2500 to 3000 words(inclusive of footnotes), written in English. The last date for submission will be September 15, 2020. It can be emailed to For more details speak on 9676420014, 8587992689.

Contributions in both the above two categories, they have to be submitted ONLY MS WORD FORMAT, in 12 font size in Times New Roman font(PDF/Scanned Hard copies will not be accepted).

The Competition for Articles on Holistic School Education in order to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals is being organised in partnership with Vandemataram Foundation. The competition is open to Educationists, Academicians, Journalists, Social Activists, Public Representatives, Parents’ Committee Members etc.

Themes to be chosen for writing an article

  1. Enrollment and Dropouts
  2. Curriculum
  3. Ensuring minimum Learning abilities
  4. Infrastructure
  5. Medium of Instruction
  6. Students to Teacher Ratio
  7. Pedagogy and the challenges
  8. School Administration and Management
  9. Leadership skills of the Principals/ Headmasters
  10. Nutrition and Health of students
  11. Role of Civil Society – Community and Parents ownership of the respective schools.
  12. Government policies and funding for school education
  13. Useful Productive Works (SUPW), Cultural, NSS, NCC, Eco-Clubs, etc.
  14. Inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in the proposed National Education

Policy, Teaching-learning practices, as curriculum in the textbooks – to sensitize children on significant global challenges and sustainability on earth

The participants in the competition are requested to write articles with specific suggestions, innovations and recommendation on any one specific theme as mentioned above.

The first best three winners will be awarded cash prizes of Rs 25,000/-; Rs 15,000/- andRs 10,000/- respectively. The last date for the entries will be Sept 15, 2020. For more details, please speak on 8587992689, 9490988911. The articles must be emailed to:

All these articles contributed will be useful for policymakers and the relevant personnel. The articles must be in the range of 1200 to 1500 words only.

This competition is intended to bring up suggestions, innovations and recommendations for policy advocacy and useful to the relevant personnel in the education sector.

The English works must be submitted in

MS Word format, font size 12 pt; with font style Times New Roman (for English) and Mandali or Gauthami (for Telugu) are only accepted. PDF / Scanned copies / Hard copies will not be accepted.

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