MAKAUT Organized the Fourth Session of Corporate Classroom


Kolkata, September 14, 2020: E-mail etiquette is part and parcel of our modern lives. The students must apply their soft skills in such E-mails to beat the drums for themselves in their CVs, various applications etc. In order to create awareness amongst the students about the rules of writing E-mails,  the Language Laboratory and Training & Placement Cell of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB organized the 4th Session of Corporate Classroom entitled “Writing for Results: How to Craft Effective E-mails” on the 4th of September, 2020 in online mode. The entire programme was supported by Cubix Educational Institute Private Ltd.

At the outset Prof. (Dr.) Sukhendu Samajdar, the Director, Natural & Applied Sciences of MAKAUT pointed out, “We not only learn from classrooms, but also from outside and hence this effort to organize webinars. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Saikat Maitra gave us a directive that we should leave no stones unturned to engage the students fruitfully during this unprecedented pandemic and the subsequent Lock down. So in order to materialize that vision, the University has made the session accessible to the entire MAKAUT Community and also elsewhere. As a result, there is no registration fee for such sessions. This has been possible since our guest speakers support the spread of education by donating their valuable time.” Training & Placement Officer Dr. Anandarup Sarangi was the Coordinator of the Programme.

The keynote speaker was Ms. Sudeshna Chakroborty, Verbal Ability and GD-PI-WAT (Writing Ability Test) Expert on behalf of Cubic Educational Institute Private Ltd.  She gave a very clear guideline on how to write formal business E-mails. In her words, “E-mail is something that you cannot do without. It is of paramount importance that the recipient understands what you are trying to convey. You don’t need to use huge and fancy words. You just need to communicate properly. The E-mail must focus on the Five I’s (Enumerated below) or a combination of Two or more. If you are not confident about your use of words, your communication will be haphazard.”

Here are some guidelines put forward by Ms. Chakroborty regarding writing of E-mails:-

Definition: An Electronic Mail or E-mail is a method of exchanging messages between people, using electronic devices; these are messages distributed by electronic means from a computer user to one or more recipients via a network.

E-mail Etiquette: The point of E-mail etiquette is that it helps to streamline communication. One can make one’s requests and information clear and concise, but give enough information, so that the recipient understands what the message indicates.

Objective: Primarily one must focus on the objective to achieve the Five I’s–Inform, Inquire, Influence, Instruct and Incite. The content must be focused and one should not let unnecessary ideas imposed on the principal message.

Recipients of the E-mail:

“To” Line: Each individual on the “To” line is responsible for taking the action (or part of an an action) outlined on the “Subject” Line and the message is related directly to them.
“Cc” Line: No action or response is expected of individuals on the “Cc”. The recipient needs only to read or file the message. The individuals whose work is indirectly affected by the communication should be included on the “Cc”.
“Bcc” Line: This is a feature similar to “Cc”, except that in “Bcc” or Blind Courtsey Copy, recipients are invisible to the other recipients.

“Subject” Line: Subject Line should effectively summarize the message. If the subject-line is clearly written, each recipient on the “To” line will have a clear understanding of the objective that the message relates to.

Key Points

  • Subject Line should effectively summarize the message
  • One should not use more than 6/7 words in subject line
  • One should never use CAPITAL letters unless and until necessary
  • When replying, one must change the subject line when the topic changes

One should be very careful with the salutation, otherwise it may convey wrong impressions to the recipient about the sender. The sender must ensure that his/her reader is comfortable and happy with the salutation, otherwise rest of the communication may be futile.

Body of an E-mail:


The formal way of  beginning can be by drawing a reference to the subject, or with a line of thanks.  This will put the readers at ease and make the writer appear more courteous. For example:

Thank you for contacting<team details>.

Thank you for your prompt response.


In the first 1-3 lines of the E-mail, one must specify, what it is about. After composing the mail, answer the following questions:

  • Does it include action required?
  • Does it require a reply by a certain date?
  • What important information is contained for the reader?


When you are sending attachments, tell your respondent about the following:

  • The file name
  • In what program it is saved in
  • The version of the program
  • Compress large attachments and send in archived file
  • Have a good virus scanner to send virus free mails
  • Send attachments only when they are absolutely necessary


  • End the mail professionally
  • Courtsey is always important, no matter how short the E-mail is
  • Before ending, include an accurate follow-up statement–
  1. a) I look forward to receiving your input
  2. b) If you have questions or concerns, do let me know
  3. c) I look forward to hear from you
  4. d) Please let me know if you need further assistance on this

E-mail Type                Closing Salutation

Professional                 Best regards



                                      Thank You

More Formal                Yours Sincerely

                                      Yours Faithfully

Casual                            Best Wishes


Last Minute Checks

Before sending the mail, one must check the following:

  • Read it as if you are an outsider– How clear is it?
  • Edit and Proof-Read
  • Review and spell-Check
  • Reply or Reply to all? Ask yourself whether everyone need to know the information


  • Each mail should be replied within 24 hours and preferably within the same working day
  • If the mail is complicated and requires more time to reply, send a mail saying that you have received and will get back to them
  • Respond only to messages that require a reply


  • Be concise and to the point
  • Address all the questions or concerns to avoid delays
  • Use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation
  • Use a professional font
  • Provide all information
  • Keep language gender neutral by avoiding him/her
  • Use short paragraphs and line spacing between paragraphs
  • Stick to the subject


  • Do not copy a message or send attachment without permission
  • Do not use mail for confidential matters
  • Do not overuse the High Priority Function
  • Do not respond if you are upset. Take some time to cool off
  • Do not forget to attach documents if you refer to it in the body of the mail
  • Do not attach unnecessary files
  • Do not use long sentences
  • Do not use abbreviations like Plz (please), BTW (by the way) etc


Your E-mail is a reflection of you. Every mail you send adds to, or detracts from your reputation. If  the mail is scattered, disorganized and filled with mistakes, the recipient will think of you as a scattered, disorganized person.Other people’s opinion do matter and in the professional world, their perception will be critical for your success.

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