150 students from50 topSchools across the country participate in Podar Education’s National Inter-School Debate Competition


New Delhi, October 28, 2021: Podar Education hosted the National Inter-School Debate Competition from October 21st to October 24th, 2021. Around 150 students competed from 50 top schools from the length and breadth of our country. Senior school students from Jammu to Kerala and Gujarat to Assam debated fiercely across a wide range of topics. Pertinent subjects for the debates were chosen with the goal of enhancing children’s critical thinking, research and analysis skills. The topics for debate ranged from artificial intelligence replacing human intelligence,  social media influencers affecting teenage lives, whether homework should be banned in schools to the future of cryptocurrencies.

The debates were judged by luminaries such as AnuragTripathi, Secretary CBSE,  FatemaAgarkar, Founder of the Agarkar Centre of Excellence (ACE), Dr. Harish Shetty, Clinical Psychologist, Ratnesh Kumar Jha, CEO Cambridge University Press and others. The event was conducted virtually on account of the recent COVID-19 crisis and to maintain safety.

RaghavPodar, Chairman Podar Education said, “The National Inter-School Debate Competition has received an overwhelming response. We are very proud to host top students from across the country to debate fiercely, but with dignity. We endeavour to create optimal learning environments for children where effective communication skills and lateral thinking are emphasized on.In this era of the Industrial revolution 4.0, some of the most important skills our children will need is to critically think, research, analyse, evaluate and communicate persuasively. In the 21st century the world economy will not reward you for what you know; but for what you can do with what you know. Not for the amount of knowledge that you have, but for how you can apply the knowledge that you have. ”

Avinav Tiwari, MishaJethva, and Parita Patel from Podar World School Sherkhi, Vadodara won the tournament, and Avinav Tiwari was named the competition’s best speaker.

Winners from Podar World School, Sherkhi, Vadodara said, “This debate competition has given us tremendous exposure and allowed us to express ourselves and place our views. We take this opportunity to thank Mr.RaghavPodar and his institution to give us this platform that has helped us hone our oratory skills on a wide array of topics. Over four days this was a thrilling experience for all of us. ”

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)