Jaipur Based Media Quarterly Journal Communication Today organizes 3rd National Webinar on “COVID-19: Challenges Before Public Relations”


Jaipur, October 09, 2020: While the Novel Corona Virus has made the clients skeptical about their PR partnerships leading them to put on hold their services until the lockdown is called off and situations get back to normal, the entire industry has been facing a huge change. The Webinar Series of Jaipur Based Media Quarterly JournalCommunication Today in Collaboration with Public Relations Society of India (Raipur Chapter) organized The 3rd National webinar on “COVID-19: Challenges Before Public Relations” to analyze the impact of outbreak of COVID virus on Public Relations industry and its significance post COVID era.

As Chief Guest Prof. Baldev Bhai Sharma, Vice Chancellor, KushabhauThakre University of Journalism & Mass Communication, Raipur said “COVID-19 has definitely changed the way people have thought about their industry and the patterns in which they were working on. For over years while the technology had brought in massive changes in the sectoral landscape.

He also congratulated the Frontline Corona Warriors who handled this pandemic situation very efficiently.

Prof. Sanjeev Bhanawat, Editor Communication Today said, “Introducing the Subject Mankind is facing an unrivalled COVID-19 crisis which threatens the very existence of the human race. We are experiencing disappointments but are hopeful that a cure is not far away. The Virus has given us the opportunity to rethink, revive our entire philosophy, strategy and our working culture. We also thank and congratulate the Corona warriors for playing a crucial role by providing us all the necessary items required for our survival by risking their lives”

Dr. Ajit Pathak, National President, PRSI, New Delhi said “Public relation can build image but not denying the fact that company or organization  have to work on its part of 90% and rest of  10% is the advertisement and PR activity which can help to make a brand. Challenges of PR after COVID 19  are events is not organizing, one on one meeting can’t do, companies are hesitating to afford Agency due to economically challenge,  many media houses are facing challenges for PR after COVID 19 which is not a good Sign of work.”

During the panel discussion,Mr. RajendraBhanawat, Former IAS, raised the question about fake news and irregular absence of economically weaker classeson social media and stressed for media houses or wire agenciesto share the report or news with proper fact’s & figures so that people get proper news.

Dr. Shahid Ali, Chairman, PRSI, Jaipur said “Public relation industry is itselfa versatile industry for making and handling the branding of a company. The generation is more tech friendly now thanbefore pandemic.”

Webinar was conducted by Dr. Usha Sawhney, Deputy Editor, Communication Today, Assistant Professor, department of English SMP Govt. Girls PG College the webinar is attended by Mr. Nitin Jagad, Branch Head, ADFACTORS PR and attendant by 140 Participants from 17 states

COVID-19 has pushed every single sector 5 years ahead of time to function and change the way they perform. As PR industry is undergoing this change there would definitely be tremendous challenges pertaining to the manpower, its training and the understanding on what would be the best way to achieve and satisfy clients’ needs and demands.

The session will be available on Webinar Series of Communication Today Journal on YouTube Channel also https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-cmYJt49RDmvRxZg130hXw/Playlists&sa=D&ust=1602053631740000&usg=AFQjCNGC2sSSKZ1pLrYTjX8L7-c9A3VshQ

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