Seth Anandram Jaipuria School Sushant Golf City, Lucknow 5th Founder’s Day, 2021


New Delhi, August 11, 2021: Seth AnandramJaipuria School, Sushant Golf City, Lucknow, celebrated its 5th Founder’s Day, ‘DHAROHAR’ on Thursday, 28th January, 2021, a myriad of celebrations replete with music, dazzling dances and hues of colours amidst great zest, vibrancy and elation. A well-known International Motivational Speaker, youth life coach and corporate trainer, Mr. Simerjeet Singh, graced the occasion as the esteemed Chief Guest. Among others present were Chairman, Mr. Shishir Jaipuria, Vice-Chairperson of the Jaipuria Group- Mrs. Sunita Jaipuria, Principal – Mrs Poonam Kochitty, esteemed guests, members of the staff, students, and parents. The programme commenced with the lighting of the Ceremonial lamp, followed by the welcome dance ‘Shivoham.’

The Principal of the school, Mrs. Poonam Kochitty, formally welcomed the eminent guests and presented the Annual Report. She thanked everyone for their contribution to the journey of Seth AnandramJaipuria School, Lucknow. The report highlighted  the exceptional and outstanding achievers, both students and staff, in the fields of Scholastic, Co-scholastic and Sports. Glimpses of the past years Events, eminent guests and speakers and the upcoming new block were shown.

The Chairman in his speech ……….

The cultural programme began with the prayer song “Meraaapkikripa se” to invoke the blessings of the Almighty. The event bore witness to a melodious performance dedicated to “Dev Bhasha Sanskritam”. The convincing and immaculate performances by expressive and talented students were beautifully and effectively incorporated in plays “Panchatantra Katha” and “Chatur Birbal”. A mellifluous Group Song “Paani Anthem” was replete with determination to value the gift of water that has been bestowed upon us. Another one “We love you teacher” displayed the role the teachers played during lockdown and how they ensured that learning did not stop. “Geeta Saar” showcased a holistic understanding of life as it is, unlike how we perceive and live it. With “Bharat Ki Anmol Dharohar”, the guests were taken on a virtual tour of places of historical and cultural significance, throughout the country. “Vividhtamein Ekta”, depicted the rich, radiant, varied and vibrant fabrics, dances and social and cultural essence of India. The program moved to a final crescendo with fervent dancing, in the grand finale, “Muskuraega India”. It added élan to the function.

The Chief Guest, MrSimerjeetSingh  in his address, urged students to hone and sharpen their talents and potential. He urged parents to support children in the pursuit of their talents and interests.

The Vote of thanks was delivered by Headmaster Mr Pankaj Rathore .The program concluded with the National Anthem. ‘Dharohar‘ truly was an amalgam of the rich traditions and cultural heritage of India and was appreciated by one and all.

Corporate Comm India (CCI NewsWire)