AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal, Padmashri delivered an Inspiring Lecture on AI and Pattern Recognition, including the Basics of Machine Learning, Deep Learning


Kolkata, May 01, 2023: AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor Lecture of Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal, Padmashri on AI and Pattern Recognition delivered his lecture at Haringhata Main Campus of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB

On 9th and 10th March 2023, Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal delivered a six-hour lecture series on AI and Pattern Recognition as part of his appointment as the AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor. The lecture was attended by a total of 450 participants, with 100 attending in person and 350 participating online.

The lecture series on both the days were streamed live on youtube (

During the lecture, Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal covered a range of interesting topics related to AI and Pattern Recognition, including the basics of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, and other related concepts. He also discussed the latest research in these areas and their applications in various fields, such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and robotics.

The offline participants who attended the lecture were faculties and researchers from various departments of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT). Offline participants were from various affiliated colleges and Institutions of MAKAUT and research organizations in the region. Online participants were able to engage in live and real time interactions and discussions and ask questions to  Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal throughout the lecture.

Also Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal spoke in the community radio of MAKAUT on the scopes and prospects of AI for aspiring students of the region. The interview with Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal was broadcast and received wide publicity and appreciation.

Overall, the lecture was highly informative and engaging, and participants were left with a deeper understanding of the latest advancements in AI and Pattern Recognition. Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal’s expertise in this area was evident throughout the lecture, and his ability to make complex concepts accessible to a wide range of participants was highly appreciated.

The AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor Lecture series provided a valuable opportunity for academics and researchers to engage with leading experts in various fields, and Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal’s lecture on AI and Pattern Recognition was no exception. The lecture was a great success, and we look forward to future events in the series.

Enclosed herewith are a few photographs of the program and the program flier circulated widely in social media platforms.

The AICTE Distinguished Chair Professor Lecture intends to utilize the expertise of highly qualified and experienced superannuated professionals who have made an unparalleled, exceptional professional contribution to society in their respective fields/disciplines for motivating and inspiring students/faculty. 

Prof. (Dr.) Sankar K. Pal is a computer scientist with an international reputation in fuzzy neural network, soft computing, and machine intelligence. He founded the Machine Intelligence Unit in 1993, and the Center for Soft Computing Research: A National Facility in 2004, both at the ISI. He is the founder president of the Indian National Academy of Engineering, Kolkata Chapter. 

He is a recipient of the S.S. Bhatnagar Prize in 1990. He was awarded Padmashri in Science and Engineering on 5 April 2013 by the President of India, Pranab Mukherjee in recognition of his work in machine intelligence.