Ampersand Group trains Anganwadi workers from Tamil Nadu in Special Needs


– ICDS, Government of Tamil Nadu & Ampersand Group conducted a programme based on ‘Spectrum of Children with Special Needs for Anganwadi Workers’ to augment their skills from a learning perspective

– 253 Anganwadi workers from Kancheepuram & Chennai participated in the two-day workshop which was conducted in Tamil

Chennai, July 30, 2020:Ampersand Group owned Eduspark International Private Limited, a global leader in providing end-to-end school management services conducted an online pilot project in association with Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Government of Tamil Nadu,on‘Spectrum of Children with Special Needs For Anganwadi Workers’of Kancheepuram district on July 22& 23, 2020, respectively.

The Department of Integrated Child Development Services, Government of Tamil Nadu and Ampersand Group involved 253 Anganwadis evikas(workers) from Kancheepuram and St. Thomas Mount, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. The training programmewas conducted in Tamil language and aimed at enhancing the skill-set of the anganwadisevikas and other officials from the Integrated Child Development Services.

The objective was to provide the anganwadis evikas with skill and knowledge to enhance their learning abilities while catering to the early education needs of children. The programme included Identifying Signs &Symptoms, Introduction to Special Education Needs, Classroom Management, and Parental Guidance and Counselling. The ICDS, Government of Tamil Nadu,is a pioneer with many innovative initiatives from ‘noon meal schemes’ to ‘cradle scheme’ and this initiative aims to impart skills to anganwadis evikas with objective to improve the learning environment of children.

Speaking on the pilot project, Mr. RustomKerawalla, Chairman, Ampersand Group said,“We are thankful to the Government of Tamil Nadu for considering our services to translate the English language content of National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) into Tamil and conduct the training for the anganwadi workers. This will help them in engaging with children and create a strong structural foundation for their holistic development.We are looking forward to a long term association with

the Government of Tamil Nadu and look to scale up projects in online and offline education,teacher training and skill development across the state.”

Ampersand Group: Ampersand Group is a global leader in providing complete solutions in school operations and end-to-end school management services to private institutions and government-run Public-Private Partnership projects in several developing nations across the world. The Ampersand Group was founded in 2004 by Mr. RustomKerawalla, a renowned Edupreneur with a vision to transform the educational ecosystem through consistent innovation and use of emerging technologies; to build a modern preschool and K12 education systems, which are equitable and accessible to all. The Group showcases its excellence in the K12 education through its flagship brand – VIBGYOR Group of Schools, a state-of-the-art institution built with a vision of providing high-quality education to young minds for their holistic growth in today’s times. Today, Ampersand is also one of the leading PPP partners in the national government’s endeavour of transforming its Aanganwadi and Balwadi’s. The group is currently responsible for providing nearly 700 municipal Balwadi’s in Maharashtra with innovative interventions such as theme-based lessons, usage of new-age technology and a structured age-appropriate curriculum, while targeting multi age-group students.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)