Boosting Online Education, Ficci Arise Collaborates With Highr Organizes A Series Of Webinars For Education Practitioners


Bangalore, May 05, 2020: Decision-makers in any country that is facing the global pandemic today need to re-evaluate the ability of their school system to provide education for their students. Schools have been asked to quickly put together new instructional strategies, professional development and learning programs for their teachers and students. Teachers have been made to transition their classrooms to the cloud, set up digital learning environments and run their teaching practices online. Although many may have some previous experience from blended learning strategies and the flipped classroom model, this transition goes beyond anything that we have seen before.

In the present circumstances, there is an opportunity and a need. The need is to on-board teachers to remote learning practices, while the opportunity is wider – to improve classroom teaching all round. This is not just about teaching and learning during the pandemic – interventions should have the potential to outlast the pandemic and that is why they need to be structured in a sustainable manner if they are to be successful. This is also an opportunity to upskill our teachers. Not just enable them to meet the demands of remote learning, but to significantly improve their teaching practices in the long term.

In this context, FICCI ARISE (Alliance for Re-imagining School Education) in collaboration with Highr, is organising a series of webinars for practitioners to present best and innovative pedagogical practices adopted by the schools in effectively delivering teaching-learning in the virtual environments. The series will bring in national and international eduexperts to deliberate upon the goals of e-learning solutions that each one of them are adopting in these testing times.

This webinar series for remote schooling- ‘Teaching for the New Normal’ would be held from May 2-27, 2020. The first edition of the series on the topic, ‘Planning for Classroom Teaching (Session: Creating lesson plans for remote learning)’ is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 2nd May 2020.  For more details log onto

The webinar will hold theme sessions from K-12 leaders who have made massive changes to their operations, teaching, and behaviour at a great pace to adapt to the virtual learning environment. Our carefully selected luminaries will be the ones who are leading their learners through transformational times and preparing their institutions for a new normal.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)