IIT Delhi Unveils Innovative Executive Programme for Tech Product Management to Create Future Tech Leaders


New Delhi, january 17, 2024 : The Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) has announced the launch of the inaugural batch of Executive Programme for Tech Product Managementaimed at addressing the growing need for adept leaders. This programme is designed to equip participants with the expertise to conceive, develop, launch, and proficiently manage tech products in the ever-evolving digital era.

IIT Delhi’s Executive Programme for Tech Product Management is contextually designed to meet the specific challenges and opportunities arising in today’s rapidly evolving tech landscape. By seamlessly blending IIT Delhi’s academic excellence with industry insights, the programme offers a comprehensive curriculum, providing professionals with the essential tools to excel in the competitive field of tech product management.

The programme is tailored formid-career professionals to augment their managerial skills or transition into roles that require a strong understanding of both technology and business.The five-month online programme includes modules onProduct Ideation, Strategy, Product Roadmap, Product Design and Discovery, Product Development, Product Marketing, etc.,that will equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of tech product management successfully.Upon completion of the Executive Programme for Tech Product Management, learners can explore a career as Technical Product Managers, Product Marketers, Business Analysts, Product Analytics Managers, Product Owners, etc.

Speaking at the announcement, Dr. Biswajita Parida, Assistant Professor, IIT Delhi, expressed the institution’s commitment to fostering innovation and excellence. “In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, organisations require leaders capable of not just keeping pace with changes but also propelling innovation forward. The Executive Programme for Tech Product Management is meticulously crafted to close the divide between technical proficiency and managerial acumen, empowering participants to effectively lead and thrive in the dynamic realm of technology. Participants will gain insights into non-core functions essential for supporting the operational aspects of tech products, developing strategic approaches to bolster functions surrounding core offerings.”

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for product managersis expected to grow by 10% in 2024owing to the rise of data-driven business decisions and the digital transformation in every industry.According to a LinkedIn survey, the number of Product Manager jobs is increasing around 30 percent every year.Technical product managers who find success in their roles may move up over time and can aspire to pursue roles like Director of Product Management, VP of Product and Chief Product Officer. According to reports, researchers are optimistic about the growing IT budgets for 2024that will lead to increased hiring of tech talent.

The programme will be conducted via the state-of-the-art Interactive Learning (IL) platform and delivered in Direct-to-Device (D2D) mode. They also get to experience the prestigious institution for a one-day immersion programme.

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi:

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the 23 IITs created to be Centres of Excellence for training, research and development in science, engineering, and technology in India. Established as College of Engineering in 1961, the Institute was later declared as an Institution of National Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Act, 1963” and was renamed as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”. It was then accorded the status of a Deemed University with powers to decide its own academic policy, to conduct its own examinations, and to award its own degrees.

IIT Delhi has been ranked consistently in top 5 management institutes and rank 1 institute in Research and Professional Practice as per NIRF 2022 and NIRF 2021 Management Category rankings.

Continuing Education Programme (CEP), IIT Delhi

Executive education is a vital need for the companies to build a culturethatpromotes newer technologies and solutions and builds a workforce that stays abreast of the rapidly transforming needs in the technological, business and regulatory landscape. Committed tothe cause of making quality education accessible to all, IIT Delhi has launched Online Certificate Programmes under eVIDYA@IITD(ई-विद्या@IITD), enabling Virtual & Interactive learning for Driving YouthAdvancement@IITDforIndianaswellasinternational participants.

These programmes offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) are designed to cater to the training and development needs of various organisations, industries, society and individual participants at national and international levels with a vision toempowerthousandsofyounglearnersbyimparting high-quality Online Certificate Programmes in cutting-edge areas fortheircareeradvancementindifferentdomainsofengineering,technology, science, humanities and management.

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