JBCN International School steps towards a sustainable future with 75 events for India’s 75th Independence Day


Mumbai, August 25, 2022: JBCN Education, a pioneer in the K-12 education segment in India, is paving the path for its students towards Sustainable Development Goals, aligning with the same vision as the Government of India. On our 75th Independence Day, the schools focused on incorporating cultural and sustainable values amongst its learners by implementing 75 different activities. The teachers at JBCN worked to introduce these concepts in an educreative way, to ensure the students were equipped holistically via their mind, body, and soul to become ideal citizens of the country. Debika Chatterji, The Director Principal at JBCN International School, Borivali shared, “As a school we believe that it’s very important to give back to society and hence on the occasion of India’s 75th Independence we got together as a school community and made our contribution, hoping to make a small difference”.

In line with the school’s vision, to create responsible citizens who understand global issues and work for the betterment of the community, the students learned the importance of waste segregation, avoiding single-use plastics, switching to clean and affordable energy & also took part in community clean-up initiatives. The importance of conservation of water and proper sanitization, posters about eco-friendly Ganpati’s and pledging to save water resources were some of the other activities amongst the 75. Recognizing the importance of the Indian Armed Forces in keeping our country safe and protected, the students of JBCN wrote hand-written letters expressing their gratitude. They even built a Tribute Wall for the unsung heroes of our nation.

Mr. Kunal Dalal, Managing Director, JBCN International School, signed off by sharing his vision for the 75th Independence Day, “JBCN Education actively nurtures the young minds of India as we endeavor to make them proud citizens, whilst incorporating the concept of sustainability for a better future.”


Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)