MAKAUT, WB Has Inaugurated The “Centre For Digital Healthcare Technology


Kolkata, August 17, 2020: It is a great pleasure for the university to announce the inauguration and opening of a modern state-of-the-art centre of Digital Health and Bio-Medical Technology in pursuit of academics, research, consultancy and higher learning. 

The new innovative centre, named “Centre for Digital Healthcare Technology”, vows to foster excellence and achieve laurels in the domains of innovative healthcare technologies. This is a maiden trail blazer endeavour, uniquely the first and fore-runner in the state of West Bengal. The uniqueness of this virtual knowledge centre will continue to unravel and unfurl its dimensions especially at the present pressing moments when healthcare facilitation is getting so disarrayed and dislodged by the virulence of Covid 19. 

The centre will promote and inculcate cutting edge research and academic programmes on emerging domains of Digital Health, Tele-medicine, Robotics, Bio-Medical Engineering and Technology – attuned to advanced teaching, training, research, capacity building and empowerment – for medical and healthcare professionals desirous to make forays onto this emerging and evolving subject. 

The inauguration of this grand centre has taken place on 15th August, 2020 (Saturday), close on the heels of the successful launching of National Digital Health Mission by the Prime Minister from the ramparts of the Red Fort on the earlier part of the same day. 

The entire inaugural programme was hosted virtual for over 2 hours from 6.30 PM to 8.30 PM. 

It was the long cherished dream of the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of MAKAUT, Prof (Dr.) Saikat Maitra, to moot and finally establish such an inter-disciplinary centre on bio-health that would lead us to fountains of deep learning on Digital Health, Telemedicine, Data Mining, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Innovative and Disruptive technologies. The centre will henceforth function on a digital platform with a pre-planned and structured mandate. There will be definitive goals and inter- and intra-disciplinary approaches in the variegated domains of health analytics. The centre will welcome the superior participation, guidance and mentorship of a wide plethora of clinical experts, medico-technologists, and information scientists. 

The grand inauguration took place in presence of a host of decorated medical experts and luminaries of the techno-scientific world. 

Dr. (Prof.) Pradip Mitra, Head of Covid Monitoring Task Force and Formerly, Director of Medical Education Department of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of West Bengal; Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Pandey Hon’ble Vice Chancellor WestBengalUniversity of Health Sciences DD-36, Secotor-1 SaltLak; Prof. (Dr.) Mushtaq Ahmad Siddiqi, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Islamic University of Science& Technology, Awantipora, Pulwama; Dr. (Prof.) Debasish Bhattacharya, Director of Medical EducationHealth & Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal Swasthya Bhawan; Dr. Prantar Chakrabarti, Consultant Hematologist, Fortis, Nightingale, Vivekananda and ApexHospitals and Formerly, Professor and Head of Hematology Nil RatanSarkarMedicalCollege& Hospital Department of Health and Family Welfare Govt. of West Bengal; Dr. Sujit Kar Purakayastha, Managing Director, Peerless Hospital and BK Roy Research Centre, Kolkata; Dr. SubhrojyotiBhowmick, Clinical Director (Academics, Quality and Research), Peerless Hospital and BK Roy Research Centre, Kolkata.             

The ceremony assumed a trans-oceanic dimension through galaxy of attendances of students, research scholars, members of teaching and non-teaching fraternity of MAKAUT and its affiliated institutions, other universities and colleges, as well as scientists and experts of India and abroad. 

All the panelists were doyens in their fields and were highly applauded for their decisive, analytical, and well debated speeches that enriched and enthralled the audience in all coveted ways. 

The function was further marked by the distinguished presence and illuminating lectures of two top-rung faculty members of MAKAUT namely, Dr. Pranabesh Chakrabarti, Director of Food Science and Pharmaceutical Engineering  (who also shouldered the arduous task of moderating the entire show) and Dr. Sibamoy Dasgupta, Director of Engineering Sciences.

Dr. Mushtaq Siddique, Hon’ble V C of Islamic University of Science and Technology, for his illuminative introductory speech that has set the right tone, and template, for the grand events ahead. 

MAKAUT feels extremely indebted to Dr. Rajendra Pandey Hon’ble VC of WBHU for his lucid deliberation and chalking out the pathways ahead.

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