MAKAUT, WB Organised a Webinar on Online Teaching


Kolkata, June 10, 2020: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology of West Bengal (MAKAUT WB) organized a webinar on Online Teaching on 7th June 2020. Main speakers were Prof (Dr.) Saikat Maitra, Vice Chancellor of MAKAUT, Prof (Dr.) Sibamay Dasgupta, Director School of Engineering Science, MAKAUT, Prof (Dr.) Indranil Mukherjee, Director, School of Management Science, MAKAUT and Prof Nandan Sengupta of Cambridge Marketing College, Cambridge UK. The program was nicely coordinated by well-known media personality Prof (Dr.) Sujoy Biswas.

Prof Saikat Maitra talked on the 7 facets of e-learning. He explained how important online teaching is and why we should go for Online Teaching-Learning Process. It is not to replace the offline conventional teaching but to supplement it initially but eventually to become the dominating part in near future. He pointed out that modern teaching is student centric and there is no bad student but there are bad teachers. He also pointed out at the end of the webinar while summing up, with reference to the very famous experiment “A hole on the wall”, that even who are not much well know about the technology they can also understand on their own without any help from any teacher. He foresees that a great change is coming with industry 4.0 and with online technology bringing the courses of MIT, Harvard, Princeton and other educational universities of developed world within the reach of students of not only metro cities, but of 2nd, 3rd tier cities and villages also. He pointed out that what all we need is the change of mindset.

Apart from him, Prof Sibamay Dasgupta, Director of School of Engineering Science, MAKAUT, spoke in details about the procedure of planning and delivering an online course while embedding the concepts of blended learning, outcome based education and NBA accreditation, course objectives and outcomes, bloom’s taxonomy, pedagogy, choice of technology, assessment and evaluation. He advised teachers to give attention on the aspect of learning of the outcomes through online teaching.

Prof Nandan Sengupta of Cambridge Marketing College UK, talked about various technologies of online teaching in details and demonstrating some of them with short video which opened the door of a fascinating world. He also pointed out, how the online teaching can be made more interesting especially to children and for others also by introducing animation and augmented and virtual reality.

Prof Indranil Mukherjee talked about the conceptual issues for online teaching. He insisted on learn-unlearn-relearn philosophy and pointed out the pros and cons of technology of education. He said that online teaching is not replacing traditional offline teaching but coming in a great way to supplement it. He described how teachers with teaching assistants conduct online courses in the developing world.

Prof Sujoy Biswas coordinated the whole program very nicely. He introduced the speakers and summed up their talks, requested the Vice Chancellor to sum up and provide concluding remarks at the end.

The program went over 3 hours and was attended by about 1500 participants.

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