Mechanical II Year student of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology secured 8th position at International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition (IAAC-2021)


Hyderabad, July 12, 2021: Geethanjalite Oregunta Sai Varun has won laurels at one of the biggest online astronomy competitions in the world.

Oregunta Sai Varun, B.Tech Second-year student of Mechanical Engineering at Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad has won the ‘Silver Honour’ award at the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition (IAAC-2021).

The winning certificate issued under the signatures of IAAC Public Relations Manager Stefan Amberg and Team Coordinator Fabian Schneider indicates that the final round of the competition was a supervised exam, where Varun scored enough points to get placed among thetop 8%”of all the (8500) participants from across the world to win ‘Silver Honour’.

IAAC provides an international platform for the students to create interest and nurture their skills in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics. As one of the world’s biggest online astronomy competitions, it attracted large number of students from US, UK, Russia, Canada, Germany, China, France, Italy, Spain, South Korea and New Zealand had participated in this competition.

Passionate about this subject, Oregunta Sai Varun has been an active participant in various competitions since school days. The first milestone came during Class VII, when he received the Finalist Award at ISO (International Science Olympiad) organised by ISO itself. Another notable achievement was the participation in a national level club competition called “International Astronomy and Science Olympiad (IASO)” organised by UPES Dehradun by achieving a rank of “48” over 1000 teams.

IAAC is one of the toughest astronomy competitions in the world and it was not possible to win this prestigious and international competition without the constant support from my mentors.

I would like to thank all my mentors Dr. Subhash Kamal, Ph.D.

in Mechanical Engineering at IITRoorkee, Dr. DevaiahMalkapuram, Ph.D. (Mech Eng) Professor at Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad for the motivation and support to help me achieve the rare honour.

My special thanks to Sri G.R Ravinder Reddy, chairman of the college and Dr. Udaya Kumar Susarla, Principal.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)