National Education Policy 2020 has paved the way for the youth of India to pursue their dreams and passion, agree Academia & Industry


Jaipur, October 06, 2020: The New Education Policy 2020, which took 4 years and over 1.5 lakh consultations of over a thousand Vice Chancellors and seasoned academicians and the participation of over 40000 colleges to make, has been a burning topic of discussion among st youth, academicians and industry alike. Leading educational Institute JK Lakshmipat University(JKLU),in association with Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (RCCI) and Bhardwaj Foundation, today organized a webinar on “National Education Policy 2020 : Academia-Industry Interface“, which was viewed live by over 400 people, including the who’s who of the industry and faculty and students of higher educational institutions across India and overseas. It delved into the changes in our education policy, the future of work, expectations of the industry from future human capital, and what educational institutions need to do and how, in order to fulfil those needs and expectations. It showcasedhow this policy is going to address contemporary issues of developing young talent through education reforms that will lead to morecreative, happy and productive human beings, while integrating the cultural ethos and business needsof the country and develop a formidable India which will be emulated by the world.

The webinar was inaugurated by Dr. KL Jain, Honourable General Secretary, Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry, who acknowledged and complimented the exemplary work being done by JKLU in the field of education and mentioned that thisnew education policy is the need of the hour,as it will help build the requisite skills that one cannot learn through the traditional route. He also said, “The integration of vocational education and knowledge about culture and languages into the mainstream will improve the lot of India’s rural population and help the country fight the rise in unemployment”.

Dr RL Raina, Vice-Chancellor, JK Lakshmipat University, gave the keynote address, in which, among other things, he mentioned, “This policy is helping the youth of our nation to pursue their dreams and passion. It is a student and youth centric policy”. Emphasizing on collapsing boundaries and multi-disciplinariness, he added, “Teaching, learning and innovation should happen at the intersection of design, engineering and management”. He explained that all educational institutions should have contemporary education and elaborated how, at JKLU, project-based and practical approach to learning were implemented much ahead of the announcement of NEP 2020, through its collaboration with Olin College of Engineering, USA, All India Management Association (AIMA)’s BizLab, full semester internships at industry and other similar initiatives.

The programme was diligently moderated by Mr PM Bhardwaj, Founder President of Bhardwaj Foundation, who invited Mr DP Sharma from USA to share his thoughts, and acknowledged the messages of Dr Ajay Data, doyen of Information Technology and Mr RajibDwivedi of DainikBhaskar, who wished the webinar much success. He also invited several industry chieftains, including Mr Naveen Sharma, Mr Satya Vijayvergiya, Mr Kamlesh Kumar, Mr Rajesh Sharma, Mr PC Sanghi, Dr ML Pariharand Mr Manmohan Sharma to ask very pertinent questions to Dr Raina, which made the interaction more lively and productive. Dr Raina’s answers were highly appreciated by the industry and left participants very satisfied.

The webinar came to an end with a vote of thanks from Mr Shounak Biswas, Assistant Director Development, JKLU.

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