National Education Policy: Developing independent thinking is the basic purpose of education, says Rusen Kumar


New Delhi, August 07, 2020: India CSR Network lauds Prime Minister Modi ‘s stronger National Education Policy 2020 to ensure a Better Education System and make Indian students Global Citizens.

Rusen Kumar, founder and managing director has appreciated the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s initiative for launching the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 ensuring a strong education system for a better India.

The education will promote creativity and curiosity among young minds and will go a long way in transforming our youth into global citizens and will make the curriculum of schools and colleges more skill-oriented, said Rusen Kumar.

Rusen Kumar said, “Developing independent thinking is the basic purpose and principle of education”.

“The level of education of any person can be assessed by how much independent thinking he has developed.” he added.

In the time where an ocean of information and knowledge is available in public domain, India’s New Education Policy will help our youth gauge effective knowledge and understand how to think freely, instead of what to think, added Rusen Kumar.

I expect that the NEP will enhance academic impact by transforming the entire education for larger and wider socio-economic and humanistic progress, the true purpose of education.

The inquiry, analytic and discussion based learning introduced in the policy will bridge the gap between Rural India and Urban India making innovation and adaption our strength, said Rusen Kumar

Furthermore, the emphasis on teacher training will enlighten citizens, prepare quality human beings with adequate education for a better India, said Rusen Kumar

“The 86th Amendment in 2002 made education an enforceable right under Article 21-A of Constitution of India. It is the citizen’s duty to fulfil the purpose of new education policy for betterment of the nation.” he added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the Higher Education Conclave. PM mentioned that the National Education Policy was approved after extensive deliberations over 3-4 years and brainstorming over lakhs of suggestions. He noted that health debate and discussions are taking place on National Education policy across the country. Shri Narendra Modi said that the policy lays the foundation of the New India, the 21st Century India, the education and skills needed for the youth to strengthen India, to advance it to new heights of development and to further empower the citizens of India to make them suitable for maximum opportunities.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)