Online Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti at MAKAUT


Kolkata, September 02, 2021: Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), West Bengal will be celebrating Gandhi Jayanti online on October 02, 2021. It is an initiative of School Connect Program of MAKAUT. 

The eminent speakers are Prof. Sankar Kumar Sanyal, President Harijan Sevak Sangh and Chairman, 150th Bapu Birth Anniversary Celebration Committee; and Mr. Biswajit Samaddar (WBES) Assistant Professor, Government College of Education, Banipur.  

Topic: Online Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti.

Date: October 2, 2021, Time- 7:00 PM India

Webinar ID : 947 7997 0418

Webinar Passcode :  086566

Register in advance for this webinar: 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

The Honourable Vice-Chancellor of MAKAUT Prof. (Dr.) Saikat Maitra has been the key inspiration behind organizing webinars of this kind, especially in this pandemic situation. 

This program will be under Mandatory Additional Requirements (MAR) for the students and E-Certificates will be issued. 

The Webinar will also be live streamed in this YouTube Channel. 

Students can participate from this YouTube Channel link too: 

For more information about School Connect Initiative please visit

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