TDI International School hosts Investiture Ceremony, budding leaders in making receive badges


Mr. Manish Malik, BDO was the Chief Guest of event, around 40 students were designated

New Delhi, July 27, 2021: TDI International School, Kundli facilitated an ‘Investiture Ceremony’ for electing its students’ council. The ceremony is a landmark event in the school’s session, and imbibes in the elected students a sense of responsibility  by handling them over the mantle of crucial school activities leading to students’ holistic development. The ceremony commenced by invoking the positive spirit with ‘Lightning of the Lamp’ which set the right tone for the auspicious occasion. Mr. Manish Malik, BDO and Chief Guest of the event, Mr. Harender Kumar, Principal, TDI International School & Mr. Dinesh Jindal, Education expert gave the students some valuable insights on role of leadership in an individual’s life.

Around 40 students were given badges and sashes, for positions like Head Girl, Sports Captain, House Captains etc. The elected student council took oath to execute their duties diligently, and promised to live up to the trust and hope school has entrusted upon them.  A folk dance performance followed the Oath taking ceremony, and the event concluded with an enlightening speech by the Chief Guest.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)