Times Centre of Learning Ltd. to conduct School Safety Training in Uttar Pradesh


·         Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh appoints Times Centre of Learning to conduct the disaster management training and mock drills in Schools.

·         1,87,500 teachers & students from 3750 Schools of 75 districts to be trained

·         Times Centre of Learning to create a School Safety Guidelines & Manual

·         Times Centre of Learning to make a documentary on school safety

·         Times Centre of Learning to help build an app on school safety


New Delhi, April 15, 2021: Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh has appointed Times Centre of Learning (TCLL) to conduct a training program for teachers and students. Under the program 3750 Schools of 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh will be covered for training and mock-drill. 50 Schools have to be trained in each district including 10 primary schools and 40 secondary schools.  The Principal of each school will decide the number of teachers in their respective schools. Along with the teachers 50 students from different classes would participate in the training program. Overall, 187500 teachers and students will be trained by TCLL through this program. TCLL will also draft a School Safety guidelines & Manual as per NDMA/NDIM & SDMA guidelines. TCLL will draft a separate training manual for primary and secondary students and a copy would be given to each participating student.

Commenting on the same Lt. Gen R.P Shahi (AVSM), Vice Chairman, Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority said, “Effective plans to mitigate the consequences of a disaster will derive from an “all hazards” approach and joint consultation with all those likely to be involved. By planning in advance and anticipating as many health and safety variables as possible, schools can ensure that the decisions made on the day of a crisis are not only made quickly and effectively but that they will be correct and automatic responses arising out of the time spent on pre-planning for disaster so when an incident does occur, the school should be better able to contain and control events. We are confident that Times Centre of Learning will be able to help with our training initiative.”

Commenting on the same Anish Srikrishna, CEO Times Professional Learning said; “Our course teaches planning methods, preparedness, and management of trauma patients in disaster situations. Through lectures and interactive scenarios, students and teachers learn incident command terminology, principles of disaster triage, injury patterns, and availability of assets for support. Times Centre of Learning has carefully chalked out the program according to NDMA/NDIM & SDMA guidelines”.

TCLL will also develop the Uttar Pradesh School Safety” App. Details of the all teachers and students trained in 3750 schools will be shared in this App. TCLL will also make a 25 minutes documentary on school safety. This documentary would be uploaded in the app and will be accessible to all teachers and school students, so they can learn about disaster safety. With the help of the fire and health department TCLL would conduct a mock drill. One disaster scenario, either fire or earthquake or other disasters like flood, lightening, snake bite, heatwave, cold wave, thunder-storm etc will be covered

 “Emergency drill we are conducting is important for teachers and students to know how to protect themselves and what they should do if disaster strikes.” Added Lt. Gen. Sahi.

Times Centre of Learning has successfully concluded its training for trainers (ToT) program specially designed for Uttar Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority’s (UPSDMA’s) from 1st to 10th April. Over 700 teachers successfully trained from 75 districts, 3750 schools have been empanelled for the same.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)