How to keep yourself motivated even during the current scenario


By S. Seshan, Vice-Principal (SS) I/C, Atomic Energy central School No 3, Tarapur, Maharashtra 

I)As we all know , these are tough times where one can easily get anxious,worried and frightened. No doubt, we are encountering a problematic situation that’s no longer confined to just a small area, but to the whole world. But do you know, what’s increasing your vulnerability? Your worriedness! So one needs to keep himself/herself motivated during such times by not losing to one’s fear and not losing hope! Here are some activities to keep your chin up and to feel good no matter what the obstacles are:-

  • Listening to your favouriteplaylists : Remember, you won’t get so much time to listen them again once everything opens up, so this a good chance to utilize your time listening to songs.
  • Doing some mild exercises : To maintain fitness, a set of pushups and squats daily are recommended .
  • Meditation and breathing exercises.
  • Hobbies : Never let yourself lose the track of giving time for your hobbies, because these are the things that give you immense satisfaction.

Following these practices will make you more strong both physically and mentally thereby increasing your immunity level  , and the stronger we become, the less chances we give this tiny organism to attack us . #Together _we _defeat_covid19 !

  1. II) With so much of negativity around we should try to see the positive in each of the things. As the Proverb goes “unity of opposites”, Philosophically , each and every event that is happening will have both the positive as well as the negative. It is human mind to easily look at the negative but here only we should have the “attitude of trying to search for the positive”. We should develop this habit .Then we can be happy and also make others happy.

Let me tell an example of an eagle flying high. It is the small bird raven which sits on the back of the eagle and bites its neck. The eagle does not respond to raven by fighting against it. It just ignores it and fly higher and higher. As the flight goes higher the raven can’t breathe and falls off. we also should be like the eagle . We should fly above the negativity , and the negative ravens will fall off.

In daily life we come across ,  so many insects , mosquitoes and other small species who keep biting us and do some little harm . we do not fight with them , we just shoo away them and move on with our daily life. Similarly, we encounter so many hurdles in our life. We should see these things like the “raven  on the eagle” or the small insects which biteus day in and day out and keep moving on ignoring these and we will definitely achieve what we want to.

III ) Last but not the least , we should read, study books which inspire .Books do have the capacity to transform people and we should read such books. For eg, one should read , study books of Leo Tolstoy , Rabindranath Tagore, Premchand, Dr. Abdul Kalam to name a few. These books will not only inspire us to be positive ,  we will be learning a lot more from these books and the more the learning , more the wisdom . The more the Wisdom , better ways of resolving disputes , solving puzzles coming your way.

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