Cambridge Education Lab organise Finland education programme for owners of Indian schools

Indian delegation at Faculty of Educational Science, University of Turku (Teacher training institute)

New Delhi, October 31, 2023 :  The Cambridge Education Lab, a UK based education service company founded by Suyash Bhatt, an Indian origin Cambridge University alumnus, collaborated with NISA (National Independent School Alliance) to organize a Finland Education Exploration Programme to Helsinki and Turku for 24 Indian school owners to provide them a comprehensive understanding the innovative Finnish education model.

The school leaders from 9 Indian states got to experience a profound and illuminating journey into the heart of the Finnish education system from October 22 to October 28, 2023.

“This six-day program, thoughtfully divided between the cities of Helsinki and Turku, provided a comprehensive understanding of the Finnish education model, celebrated worldwide for its innovative approaches and exceptional outcomes” said Mr Suyash Bhatt, Founder of Cambridge Education Lab.

“One of the highlights was to discover how technology was being used to create engaging and immersive learning experiences for students, providing them with a glimpse of how modern tools and methods can revolutionise education,” said Dr. Kulbhushan Sharma, President NISA.

The Finnish model served as an inspiring example for educators, reminding them of the significance of a holistic and flexible approach to education.

“The Finland programme is our first step to transform the Indian education system through several residential and online programmes being developed for students, teachers, and all stakeholders of the Indian School community,” Mr. Suyash added

The programme commenced with a visit to The Finnish National Agency for Education, where delegates discovered deep insight into the foundational principles of the Finnish education system. This included an overview of how Finland’s education system is uniquely structured to consider demographic factors, resulting in a robust two-tier national administration system.

The discussion highlighted Finland’s decentralized, trust-based approach, where educational responsibility is largely entrusted to individual schools and providers, emphasizing flexibility and local autonomy to tailor educational strategies to the specific needs of students. A strong emphasis was placed on promoting academic achievement, holistic well-being, and a sustainable way of living.

Subsequent days of the program were dedicated to exploring various educational phases, ranging from early education to primary education, high school, and even insights into teacher training at the university level. Delegates had the privilege of observing the Finnish education system in action, witnessing innovative teaching methodologies, the seamless integration of technology, and the importance of flexibility throughout the educational journey.

The programme’s culmination left Indian school owners inspired and armed with a wealth of knowledge and fresh perspectives to potentially transform education practices in their respective regions.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)