City’s Edutech Startup, 360 Onlinecourses, signs MoU with ICT Academy of Kerala, a Social Enterprise, supported by Government of India and Partnered by Government of Kerala and IT Industry.


    To offer affordable online training in a new wave of technologies such as Data Science, AI, ML etc and other 

    Nearly 20,000 both officers and jawans retire from Army in Hyderabad and settle here. They need digital push: Col Anil Kumar, CEO, Brand ‘N’Digital.

    Hyderabad, September 26, 2020: City’s Startup, 360 Online Courses, an Edutech Vertical of Brand ‘N’ Digital (OPC) Pvt Ltd, a NASSCOM Accredited Technology Company founded by a retired commissioned officer from Indian Army signs MoU with a Social Enterprise, ICT Academy of Kerala, supported by Government of India and Partnered by Government of Kerala and IT Industry.

    A formal MoU was signed  between Col Anil Kumar NR, CEO, Brand N Digital and Mr Santhosh Kurup CEO of ICT Academy of Kerala.

    The MoU, which is a PPP Model is entered to conduct Skill Development Courses on a hybrid model, both off and online. The content will be developed by ICT Academy Kerala.

    Under this agreement, 8 courses will be offered. They include Data Science; Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented & Virtual Reality; Cyber Security; Robotic Process Automation; Digital Marketing; Full Stack Development. The duration varies from 6 to 18 months.

    These online courses are the most affordable and reliable. These courses will be beneficial to those who can not afford to go to private training Centres due to exorbitant fees charged. Also we will aim these courses at those Fauji(Soldiers) who retire from Army, so that they will be able to embrace new age technologies to engage well after their  retirement.

    Brand N Digital is set by a voluntarily retired Commissioned Officer from

    Indian Army. From Combatant Commissioned Officer to a NSG Commando of an elite Unit

    52 Special Action Group, the only counter hijack unit in the Country, to Digital Entrepreneur, Col. Anil Kumar NR made his mark in whatever he did.

    Nearly 20,000 both officers and jawans retire from Army in Hyderabad and settle here. Also city has two lakh plus Army Veterans. All these recently retired will get into some business and need digital push. So I am being from Defence I have captive clientele Col Anil Kumar said.

    These courses are recognised globally.

    For more details, please log in www.

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