Developing the Right Worldview is the Key to Joy: Ven Dr. Dhammapiya


Kolkata, August 31, 2021: The world is suffering from a severe psychological crisis, due to negative elements, sorrow and sufferings around us. This is aggravated by the ongoing COVID pandemic.

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), WB is organizing an online Lecture Series “Sorrow-Depression-Joy”: Season 2, based on what the sages of ancient India and other eminent personalities have told about overcoming this problem. They were truth realizers and this problem was foreseen by them. That is why they set the goal of life as complete removal of miseries, hence achieving bliss. The eminent speaker in the first lecture of season 2 of this ongoing series on the 29th of August 2021 was Ven Dr. Dhammapiya, Secretary General of International Buddhist Confederation.

The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of MAKAUT, Prof. (Dr.) Saikat Maitra was very delighted to deliberate the inaugural speech in the second session of this lecture series. He said that, “After the pandemic we started this series to keep up the learning enthusiasm of our students. However, it is targeted for a larger section of the society. I thank Dr. Dhammapiya for his kind consent to share his wisdom on spirituality to overcome sorrow and depression. His speech will be of immense benefit to the participants.

Dhammapiya thanked the MAKAUT team for organizing lectures on such an important topic.

If frustration was not there then the question of how to remove it does not arise. It is there. It is a negative state of mind, an unpleasant experience. There are many people who think sorrow is not suffering at all. But the world has two sides of a coin. If there is only joy, the world is incomplete, because reality always has another side. Again sorrow is also one aspect of reality. So the person who thinks there is no sorrow, has only seen one aspect of life. He has not seen the other side. We have to know the world view, The world has two aspects. Where there is sorrow, there is joy and vice versa. Experiencing it depends on our world view and our response to reality. The difficult situations we face are ingredients of life, They are inseparable. Some people remain mentally prepared for such difficult situations. Our view towards the difficult situation is the turning point that may take us towards sorrow or strengthen our mind further. If we break down emotionally then we will get depressed and frustrated. This negative emotion impacts our physical self negatively too. Whatever be the situation, favourable or unfavourable, we must make it an opportunity in the path of life. “To know the reality as it is”– It is most important. Instead of reacting immediately to a situation one must study and understand different aspects of the problem. Once we have analyzed the problem, we can respond wisely. This gives us mental and emotional strength. If someone slaps me I should not slap him back. I should be quiet and analyze the reason behind his action and his state of mind. If I don’t have any fault behind his action, I must become compassionate towards the person and not become angry with him. Thus, we must not get affected by negative people or situations in our life. The worldview we develop in our life is responsible for our well-being. So do not be in grief and sorrow due to difficult situations. Tough situations do not last but tough people do. Do not chase one goal in life. Have multiple goals that can give you similar kinds of success. Then frustration cannot engulf you. As Edison said: ” Edison once said, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work”.

The session concluded with Dr. Moitrayee Chattopadhyay, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, MAKAUT offering the vote of thanks on behalf of the University.

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