Jaipuria School of Business, Indirapuram, Ghaziabad organized Virtual Faculty Development Programme


 New Delhi, May 22,2020: Jaipuria School of Business organised a three-day virtual Faculty Development Programme. The topic of the FDP programme was ‘Qualitative Research: Perspectives & Practices’. The program was inaugurated by Dr Aquil Busrai, Chief Executive Officer, Aquil Busrai Consulting and Dr S.S Bhakar, Director, Prestige Institute of Management (Gwalior). Ms Anjali Khanna, VP HR of Jaipuria Group of Educational Institutions moderated the program.

There were more than 900 participants in the program. Key features of the program were Dr Aquil Busrai speaking about how faculty members can  make efforts to unlearn and relearn and the amazing concept of reverse mentoring. He also shared how we should find ourselves, mentors, from millennials who would help us get comfortable in the VUCA world with Technology and Digitization at its prime. And Dr Bhakar stressing the need to balance between Qualitative and Quantitative research and how the new normal will see a complete shift in the relationship of the faculty and student relationship. They also stressed that the institutions would play a very pivotal role in the growth and development of faculty members.

On the second day, the guest speakers were Dr H Dangi, (DESIGNATION) Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University and Dr Damyanti Datta, Associate Professor Jaipuria School of Business (Ghaziabad). The faculty participants on the second day also were over 600 from different renowned colleges of PAN India like Management Development Institute (Gurgaon), Department of Management Studies (Delhi) and many more. The key concepts covered were sentimental analysis and NVivo software.

The third day started on a very high note by Dr Timira Shukla. She spoke about the cyclical process of research and its explanation. According to her, the research begins with a theory followed by a literature review and research methodology. Dr Nitin Kumar Saxena continued the session on Criteria for Research and Good Practices for Qualitative Research. Dr Vartika Chaturvedi of JSB gave the closing note with her session on How to publish the paper in Scopus Index Journals.

The key learnings of the program were how qualitative research should be utilised and adopted by the research fraternity, what are the good practices of qualitative research. Other learnings include the need and use of sentimental analysis.

Special thanks to the participants who attended the program and sent their appreciations

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