Lakshmipat Singhania Education Foundation presents Genius Academy- India’s 1st Interdisciplinary Talent Development Initiative


Jaipur, November 06,2020: Lakshmipat Singhania Education Foundation (LSEF) is a philanthropic initiative of the JK Organization for encouraging talented students offering them access to opportunities for world-class education and international scholarships for higher education in partnership with leading institutions such as University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The LSEF presents the Genius Academy – which is being launched in collaboration with JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur with support of Niti Ayog, Olin College of Engineering, Atal Innovation Mission, AIC-JKLU, Association of Designers of India, and The Vedica Scholars Programme for Women.

The theme for the challenge this year is “Innovation for the New Normal” in areas such as “Working, Learning, Entertainment, Home, Business and, Health in the New Normal”.

The national-level program will be launched in 50+cities and in over 500 schools across the country in the following days to come.

As part of the JKLU Genius Academy, students and faculty will have the opportunity to attend online Masterclasses by professors teaching at MIT, Boston College, IIT, NID etc. as well as experts & practitioners of entrepreneurship & business from Atal Innovation Centers and startups. Students will also have the opportunity to assess their own abilities and participate in a unique Innovation Challenge.

Select finalists will be invited for an Innovation Retreat in June 2021 for hands-on and minds-on experience where their ideas will be incubated. There are exciting prizes of Rs 5 lakhs in various categories for the winner, their mentoring teachers and the participating schools.

“This interdisciplinary experience is geared to help students hone their talents in the fields of Design, Business, and Technology, have teachers interact with global experts from leading Universities and promote a culture of innovation in the participating schools.  The objective of the programme is to search for the Genius within every student, and to provide them with opportunities to explore and develop their talents. “said A. Balasubramaniam Chairperson, Genius Academy; Director, Institute of Design, JKLU.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)