The School of Applied Science & Technology, MAKAUT is Organizing An Interdisciplinary Conference


Kolkata, May 24, 2022: The School of Applied Science & Technology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology  (MAKAUT), WB is organizing APPSCICON22 – an interdisciplinary conference “of the students, for the students, and by the students”.

This one-of-a-kind conference will foster project/ research-based learning among UG and PG students as well as early-stage Ph.D. scholars by providing them with a professional platform for presentation and exchange of ideas through lively interactions with peers and mentors. To spark off interdisciplinary ideation and collaborative initiative, we invited contributions from the entire spectrum of applied science & technology. The graphics overleaf illustrates our success so far.

APPSCICON22 is designed to be a confluence of energetic youth passionately engaged in the pursuit of applied science & technology for the benefit of society as well as nature.

DATE & TIME: Friday, 27 and Saturday, 28 May 2022. 10:00 – 17:00 hours IST

PLACE: MAKAUT Main Campus, Haringhata, District: Nadia, West Bengal, INDIA

Conference Registration Link:

Helpline: +91 983 622 1052/ 912 306 4267

The Conference Chair Prof Sukhendu Samajdar, Ph.D. and Director, School of Applied Science & Technology, MAKAUT, WB the students and faculty of the School request that you grace the occasion to make it a success.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)