Views of Mr.Girish Singhania, CEO, EduBridge Learning, and Ms. Archana Surana, Founder and Director, ARCH College of Design and Business on Govt’s approval on New India Literacy Program (NILP) which was the vision of NEP 2020


New Delhi, February 21, 2022:

Girish Singhania, CEO, EduBridge Learning 

India is a youth-dominated nation. The youth plays an imperative role at arresting the economical tension and bridging the gaps that could possibly enliven the GDP. The NEP was approved by the government in 2020, and as of yesterday 17th February 2022, the New India Literacy Programme got approved, with the aim of providing education for all. The policy that has been now approved by the government, will help overcome the language barrier even in the digital space. This is a very impressive step taken by the government to overcome the digital divide. This will further ease out the process for EdTech bodies and will enable the ease of skilling for those residing in the rural pockets of India. By skilling themselves relevantly, Learners and Professionals residing even in the rural pockets can explore better employment opportunities whereas those residing in semi-urban, peri-urban, and urban regions, can up-skill and re-skill themselves to keep ahead of the competition. This will mobilize youth, professionals, and learners residing in these areas and also give impetus for further industrial and economic development. The inclusion of skill-based and vocational courses will enhance employment opportunities. EdTech companies can suitably look into futuristic courses to cater to the advancing requirements of the workforce.

The commencement of e-courses in regional languages is a commendable move fostered by the government. This goes on to state that we are officially inducting technology into our education system, and orienting it globally, while still rooting upward as we keep our traditions alive. As spoken of in the budget by respected Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, we are finally on the verge of breaking through an era where E-Universities will fast become a reality in the blink of an eye. 

Ms. Archana Surana, Founder and Director, ARCH College of Design and Business 

The New India Literacy Program (NILP) under the National Education Policy 2020 is a substantial step towards achieving UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and transforming India into a vibrant knowledge society & global knowledge superpower. Covering Education for all including non-literates of 15 years and above covers, all aspects of education, paving way for large-scale, transformational reforms and furthering the foundational pillars of Access, Equity, Quality, Affordability, and Accountability.

The policy is making not only school & college education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, but skill development opportunities for all suited to 21st century needs.