North Indian Schools Honoured at Wipro Earthian Awards 2024


New Delhi, February 27,2025: Wipro Limited, a leading technology services and consulting company, held the 14th edition of Wipro earthian Awards for the year 2024 recently, at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru. The awards are a conclusion of an annual program designed to foster integrated sustainability education and recognize Indian schools and colleges that actively promote sustainable action and thinking. 

Winners from the region included: 

  • Green Fields School, Delhi: The team meticulously collected detailed data on solid waste generation in and around the school. Working with students, staff, management and the community they implemented changes in day-to-day operations to ensure proper management in the school.
  • St. Joseph’s School, Chandigarh: For a project on Water, the students explored the details of how the city provides water to its residents through canals and tubewells. The team found out that misuse by residents has made this once abundant resource scarce in the city.
  • Chitkara International, Chandigarh: Students visited the Nayagaon waste dump and through interviews with peers, determined that in the coming years there will be an increase in the solid waste problem and packaging disposal will be the main source.
  • St. Luke’s Sr. Sec. School, Solan, Himachal Pradesh: Students spent weeks visually documenting biodiversity present on the school campus to understand interconnectedness. The team worked on exploring the fungi kingdom.
  • GSSS, Kot Khalsa, Punjab: The team found that a school from rural Punjab produces 22.06 kg of solid waste per day. The classroom of the audit team produced 109 grams of solid waste per day. They educated their school on the harms of burning solid waste and created awareness around proper disposal.
  • Upper Primary School – Afzalpur, Badayu, Uttar Pradesh: The students did an in-depth study on solid waste present around their campus and highlighted how even with recycling facilities, the waste was not properly segregated. They also learnt that the sanitation workers are not adequately compensated nor given proper equipment to manage solid waste.
  • Composite School, Agra, Baullahar, Uttar Pradesh: A rural school in western Uttar Pradesh did not have problems related to water availability, however the quality was an issue. The school team interviewed many people and brought in diverse concerns which were then reenacted in plays. They also implemented rainwater harvesting techniques within the campus.
  • Nanak Mattha PS Team, Uttarakhand: The school team presented on solid waste management in the Terai region of Uttarakhand. Human activities and presence have contributed to solid waste even in the pristine forests. The team found that only proper segregation can ensure proper recycling. 

Anurag Behar, Chief Executive Officer, Azim Premji Foundation, and Narayan P.S., Global Head of Sustainability and Social Initiatives, Wipro Limited, and Managing Trustee, Wipro Foundation, felicitated the winning teams with certificates and cash prizes. 

Narayan P.S., Global Head of Sustainability and Social Initiatives, Wipro Limited, and Managing Trustee, Wipro Foundation, said, “The annual Wipro earthian awards is the culmination of the 14th edition of Wipro’s long-running program that seeks to ignite interest and foster learning in young minds on humanity’s unique relationship with nature. Bringing students and teachers together from schools spread across the country, the Wipro earthian program is designed to generate action-based learning that celebrates the underlying connectedness of the individual with the larger fabric of community and nature. We continue to be inspired by the spirit of resilience and optimism we see in our young citizens as they get ready to face the multiple challenges of sustainable development the world faces.” 

The Wipro earthian program is one of India’s largest sustainability education programs for schools and colleges. The 2024 edition of this program received over 1,500 project submissions, of which 23 winning and 43 shortlisted entries were selected by an independent jury. The teams from the winning schools demonstrated a deep understanding of biodiversity, waste and water, through a combination of activity-based learning programs and written essays. 

Since 2011, Wipro earthian has engaged with over 50,000 schools, 4,000 colleges, 2,00,000 students, and 40,000 teachers. This year, participation remained high with more than 1,500 submissions from schools and over 700 from colleges. Support from Wipro’s education partners, including CEE, CPREEC, Wild Ecologues, IIT Madras, IIM Bangalore, state governments, and educators in the SEN, has expanded the program’s reach.

Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)